Introducing our New Dietitian: Jordan Kain

Jordan studied Exercise and Sport Science and holds a Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Sydney. She has been practicing dietetics since the completion of her degree in 2018. Jordan has worked successfully with a wide variety of clients with a broad scope of conditions and health goals in her career as a private practice dietitian. Her experience with client success and realistic perspective in her work has led her to become part of the team at MeasureUp.

As a dedicated and passionate dietitian, Jordan educates, guides and supports her clients to increase their confidence around food choices, understand how nutrition can positively impact their lives and progress towards the best versions of themselves they can be. “Love the food you eat. Live the life you love” is Jordan’s mission, striving to reduce the uncertainty around dietary science, and bring the JOY back to food, cooking and nutrition.

Jordan is an avid “home chef”, constantly experimenting with new recipes, from fermenting her own sourdough and kombucha, to creating a wide range of delicious recipes. If not in the kitchen, or working with clients, Jordan can usually be found walking at one of the many beautiful Sydney beaches, alongside her two fur-babies.

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