Category Archives: Newsletters

What happens to your body when you are dehydrated?

Water accounts for 50-70% of our body weight. Dehydration can occur from exercising, alcohol intake, not replenishing lost fluids, illness, medications such as diuretics or as a complication of diabetes. But what actually happens to our bodies when we become dehydrated? Research shows that we only need to be dehydrated by 1% before it starts […]

Wearable Technologies & Their Benefits

It’s no surprise that wearable fitness devices have boomed with sales of such technologies hitting just over $41.5 billion this year, with $18.5 billion accounting for smart watches alone. The rapid advancement of technologies has not only improved the performance of athletes, but has grown popular amongst those interested in their own health and fitness. […]


When we don’t feel like we have enough time to fit everything into the day, often the first thing we sacrifice is sleep. Unfortunately, what we are really sacrificing is the body’s natural maintenance system, which heals damaged cells and boosts the immune system – allowing us to function adequately the next day. During a […]

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